Riftwar Saga (De Oorlog van de Grote Scheuring)

Magiër (Magician)
ISBN 90 290 5422 0 (trade paperback)
ISBN 90 290 5550 2 (hardback)
736 pp.
Translation: Richard Heufkens
Cover illustration: Nico Keulers
Dutch translation ©1997

Remark: In the hardback edition the original names of places and characters which were changed in the Dutch translation, are provided with a footnote at that point in the text where the involved name is introduced. With thanks to Arrian Rutten.
Zilverdoorn (Silverthorn)
ISBN 90 290 5458 1 (trade paperback)
ISBN 90 290 6828 0 (hardback)
416 pp.
Translation: Richard Heufkens
Cover illustration: Nico Keulers
Dutch translation ©1997
Duisternis over Sethanon (Darkness over Sethanon)
ISBN 90 290 5647 9 (trade paperback)
ISBN 90 290 6831 0 (hardback)
448 pp.
Translation: Richard Heufkens
Cover illustration: Nico Keulers
Dutch translation ©1998